Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Where are we located?

331 Main St, Shoemakersville, PA 19555

What are our hours?

Visit our Home Page for our hours.

Who qualifies for the assistance?

Any active duty, reserve or veterans in the state of PA or attached to a unit in PA. Immediate family members such as spouses and children are included up to age 21 if still in school. Grandchildren are covered only if you are their legal guardian.

Where do donations come from?

We are 100% public donation funded. Donations come from people just like you, members of our community that support our troops and veterans and want to help. 

Are you a 501(c)3 organization?

Yes, we are an IRS 501(c)3 charity. 



Deployment Services

What goes in care packages?

Everything from basic items like toiletries and socks to some special items like their favorite snacks from home, girl scout cookies and letters from those who support our military. Each package is unique and packed by our caring volunteers based on their requests and the region they are deployed to. 

What goes in Christmas stockings?

The same as in care packages except smaller sizes of products. We include holiday decorations and cards from home too. We generally ship from 8,000 to 10,000 holiday stockings worldwide every year.

Where do the care packages and stocking get sent?

Any area where our US troops are stationed. Our main focus is to troops in combat areas to help with their morale but we also send them to ships at sea and areas like Greece, Central America and Spain. We even send cleaning supplies and snacks to the disaster cleanup areas ever since hurricane Katrina.  

How can someone register to receive care packages?

Send us an email ([email protected]) with the name and mailing address and a list of most needed items. It also helps to know the conditions at their station so we don’t send gloves to the hot zones or freeze pops to the cold areas. 


What is acceptable ID?

Military ID, VA ID card, County VA ID, or DD214. 

How often may we come in?

You may shop for food once per week. Our hours are posted on the home page for your reference. 

What kind of food does the pantry have?

We have a full line of fresh produce, fresh dairy, fresh and frozen meats, breads, shelf stable foods, baby supplies, diapers, cleaning supplies and paper goods. We receive our food deliveries every Tuesday so we can maintain the fresh quality and keep the shelves full. 

What if I can’t get there every week?

Let us know when you come in and we will gladly get you set up for biweekly or monthly shopping. 

What do you offer other than food?

We have clothing, household items, kitchenware and dishes, small electronics, large appliances and furniture. We have almost anything you might need to replace something broken or set up your living space after a loss. 



How can I help?

Donate. Cash, checks and money orders help us keep the shelves full and help defray the cost of shipping care packages. There is no donation too large or to small to make a huge difference in the life of our families.  

Set up a collection of our most needed food items for the pantry or for the care packages that we ship monthly. We can email you a list to help with your collection. 

Volunteer. Your time is the most valuable gift you can give. Sometimes a smile while bagging groceries or loading their car means as much as the food they are getting. Packing care packages to go to far away areas is so important so our troops don’t feel forgotten. 

How can someone volunteer?

Click on the Volunteer link in the navigation bar at the top of any page. Fill out the form, be sure to list available hours and click submit. We will get you set up as soon as possible. 

What kind of volunteer jobs are available?

We have jobs for every level of ability, from sedentary clerical jobs to moving furniture and large boxes and loading cars. We have volunteers from 10 years old to 87 years old. If you truly want to help we have a place for you. We even need help at some outside events so get signed up soon!